Customized Balao Class Cutaway

Balao Class Cutaway
Balao Class Cutaway
Item# ud-cutaways-285cl
Finish:  Deck Guns:  Add 2 Coins:  Hull Number: Vessel Name: Signature Confirmation: 

Product Description

Balao Class Cutaway
The USS Balao SS-285, was the lead ship of the United States Navy's Balao-class submarines during World War II and named for the balao.

We will custom build this cutaway with your desired hull number and boat name. Simply enter the information in the fields provided and we'll do the rest. If you choose to add your boat coins to your cutaway, price includes a mounting fee, the front and back will be displayed. The shopping cart will accurately reflect your changes as an option so that you may verify the information.

As customized cutaways are built to order, it will take two to three weeks to create, frame and ship the cutaway.

The framed size is 22.5" wide by 8.5" high.

Natural Basswood finish (as pictured) is mounted on a Baltic Blue matte and surrounded by a rich cherry finish frame.

Brass and Silver finishes are mounted on a black matte within a black frame which gives a very contemporary look.

PLEASE NOTE: The completed cutaway will be named and numbered as desired but will be exactly as pictured above without any differences or modifications an individual vessel may have had (unless you select an option not pictured ... i.e., deck guns or flights).

SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION: Signature Confirmation gives you the benefits of USPS Tracking with an added level of security by requiring a signature from the person who accepts the package and provides additional assurance that the package has been delivered to your intended destination.

List of Balao Class Submarines
( ■ = No Coin Available Yet )
Number Vessel Name Number Vessel Name
SS-285 USS Balao SS-345 USS Cochino ■
SS-286 USS Billfish ■ SS-346 USS Coporal
SS-287 USS Bowfin SS-347 USS Cubera
SS-288 USS Cabrilla ■ SS-348 USS Cusk
SS-289 USS Capelin SS-349 USS Diodon
SS-290 USS Cisco SS-350 USS Dogfish
SS-291 USS Crevalle ■ SS-351 USS Greenfish
SS-292 USS Devilfish SS-352 USS Halfbeak
SS-293 USS Dragonet ■ SS-365 USS Hardhead
SS-294 USS Escolar SS-366 USS Hawkbill
SS-295 USS Hackleback ■ SS-367 USS Icefish ■
SS-296 USS Lancetfish ■ SS-368 USS Jallao
SS-297 USS Ling SS-369 USS Kete
SS-298 USS Lionfish SS-370 USS Kraken ■
SS-299 USS Manta ■ SS-371 USS Lagarto
SS-300 USS Moray ■ SS-372 USS Lamprey ■
SS-301 USS Roncador SS-373 USS Lizardfish
SS-302 USS Sabalo SS-374 USS Loggerhead
SS-303 USS Sablefish SS-375 USS Macabi
SS-304 USS Seahorse ■ SS-376 USS Mapiro ■
SS-305 USS Skate ■ SS-377 USS Menhaden
SS-306 USS Tang SS-378 USS Mero
SS-307 USS Tilefish ■ SS-381 USS Sand Lance ■
SS-308 USS Apogon ■ SS-382 USS Picuda
SS-309 USS Aspro ■ SS-383 USS Pampanito
SS-310 USS Batfish SS-384 USS Parche ■
SS-311 USS Archerfish SS-385 USS Bang
SS-312 USS Burrfish ■ SS-386 USS Pilotfish ■
SS-313 USS Perch SS-387 USS Pintado
SS-314 USS Shark SS-388 USS Pipefish ■
SS-315 USS Sealion SS-389 USS Piranha ■
SS-316 USS Barbel SS-390 USS Plaice ■
SS-317 USS Barbero SS-391 USS Pomfret
SS-318 USS Baya SS-392 USS Sterlet
SS-319 USS Becuna SS-393 USS Queenfish
SS-320 USS Bergall SS-394 USS Razorback
SS-321 USS Besugo SS-395 USS Redfish
SS-322 USS Blackfin SS-396 USS Ronquil
SS-323 USS Caiman SS-397 USS Scabbardfish ■
SS-324 USS Blenny SS-398 USS Segundo
SS-325 USS Blower ■ SS-399 USS Sea Cat
SS-326 USS Blueback ■ SS-400 USS Sea Devil
SS-327 USS Boarfish ■ SS-401 USS Sea Dog
SS-328 USS Charr SS-402 USS Sea Fox
SS-329 USS Chub ■ SS-403 USS Atule
SS-330 USS Brill ■ SS-404 USS Spikefish
SS-331 USS Bugara SS-405 USS Sea Owl
SS-332 USS Bullhead SS-406 USS Sea Poacher
SS-333 USS Bumper ■ SS-407 USS Sea Robin
SS-334 USS Cabezon ■ SS-408 USS Sennet
SS-335 USS Dentuda ■ SS-409 USS Piper
SS-336 USS Capitaine SS-410 USS Threadfin
SS-337 USS Carbonero SS-411 USS Spadefish ■
SS-338 USS Carp SS-412 USS Trepang
SS-339 USS Catfish SS-413 USS Spot ■
SS-340 USS Entemedor SS-414 USS Springer ■
SS-341 USS Chivo SS-415 USS Stickleback ■
SS-342 USS Chopper SS-416 USS Tiru
SS-343 USS Clamagore SS-425 USS Trumpetfish
SS-344 USS Cobbler SS-426 USS Tusk